Well, we've traveled enough to go to Okalahoma City and back in the last two days. Thursday morning we left at 6:00 to make it to Columbia for Emily's doctor's appointment. Then on the way back, the flooding forced us to take two different detours. We arrived home at 4:oo p.m.
Then Friday, we left home at 9:30 to go to St. Louis to speak with financial aide about Zachary's tuition, etc. Knowing there was a pile up on I-44 we took Highway 100 to avoid the congestion. The traffic was terrible, making us late for our 1:00 appointment. On the way home, we decided to take the intersate anyway, thinking that everyone else was taking the long way around like they did in the morning. A normally two and a half hour trip took us 4 hours, but we did get a lot of pictures and I got to read my new book, Love is in the Merde. I'd have to admit, though, that this book is pretty annoying. All the protagonist can think about is sex. I want more French culture. I'm tired of listening to him whine about his sex life.
Well, I have work to do, so I'd better go. I have found a lot of interesting people through this site. I have put their web sites on my list of interesting people. Check them out.