The surgery was difficult, but Dr. Tarbox said that he was conservatively optimistic that Dee would recover with full use of his shoulder. The surgery took longer than expected because they weren't able to do it arthoscopically, and it was so bad that his tendon had retracted up under his neck, forcing the doctor to have to fish it out, traumatizing his muscles in the meantime. God be praised for nerve blocks. Dee didn't feel any pain until about noon the day after surgery.
Thursday morning, however, he decided to do his exercises and asked me to unhook him from all his contraptions (he's immobolized and wears a cooling system over his wound) while I was getting ready for work. As soon as I did and had gotten to the bathroom to dry my hair, he became overwhelmed by the pain and started yelling for me, but I couldn't hear over the hair dryer. By the time I finally did hear him, he had moved to the recliner and was dripping in sweat and not white complected but yellow. He said he was going to throw up and wanted me to put his immobolizer back on. This task can not be done while he's sitting in the recliner, but he couldn't stand up, so we were at an impasse. I went to go get him something to throw up in, but he then said he was going to pass out. Iran to the bathroom to wet a washcloth for him, and when I returned, his eyes rolled up into his head, he started breathing shallow and hard breaths, and he was totally unresponsive to me. I started screaming, "Dee! Dee! Breathe!" over and over, but he just worsened. Finally after nearly a minute of this, he went limp and lay there like a dead man. About ten seconds later, he opened his eyes to find me standing over top of him screaming at him to wake up, and he says in all innocence, "Why? What's wrong?"
Boy, was it hard to go to work after that. I called the surgery center who told me that was not a normal response and to take him to the emergency room, but before hanging up, the nurse decided to try to contact the doctor herself and put me on hold. After speaking with Tarbox, she changed her advice and said that it was a more common reaction than she had thought. When someone is in such intense pain, their body goes into a vagul (sp?) response that causes your blood pressure to drastically drop and your body simply goes into shut-down mode to compensate for what's happening. I seriously thought he was having an aneurysm or some other terrible thing and that I was helplessly watching him die. I was so shaken up that I could barely function at school. I took four nerve pills (not all at once), but they didn't seem to faze me. I worried about him all day.
But, all is good now. His pain is waning and he's able to move around pretty well. So, that's all for now. Merry Christmas to everyone.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
More Surgery for the Mosers
Well, it's not enough that both my children are familiar with Dr. Tarbox. Now my husband has to go under his knife. Dee tore his rotator cuff and will be having surgery Tuesday, Dec. 16, in Columbia. We haven't decided whether we're going up tomorrow or Monday because of the ice storm. He has presurgery work to do on Monday, so we were already planning to spend the night Monday, but we don't want to be driving up there on ice, so we may go up Sunday. Say some prayers for us. We are in serious need of such. He'll be out of complete commission for six weeks and will not be back to normal for at least six months. I guess I'll find out how much I depend on him for stuff, won't I?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I don't think I ever really knew God, all those years when I thought I was close to Him, when I thought I was a good strong Christian. I believed in Him because it's how I was taught to think. I never ever questioned His existence. I had been completely indoctrinated in our faith. I knew the answers to others' questions. I knew exactly where to find each verse to back up my beliefs. Most of them I had memorized. I could argue the finer points with Christians older than I. I used to think at any minute those who didn't believe would be struck down by God for their blasphemy. Johnathan Edwards would have been proud of me.
Yet, I had only believed because I was taught to believe. I had never analyzed my belief, never even examined it much less cross examined it. It has been a painful three years since I first started having doubts about my faith. When you start to doubt something that has been your foundation your whole life, it's like the whole world has turned to mush. You start to question every paradigm, every thought you've ever had.
I've come to the conclusion that life without faith isn't worth living. I will never receive answers to my questions. I will never KNOW that God exists. Yet, I know that my belief is essential to my being. Living without it is not living at all; it's merely existing without purpose.
If I ever questioned whether God truly loves me, I have concluded now that He must in order to put up with me for these many years. How many times I must have made him wince, or laugh, or cry, or turn His head in pain! Yet, He kept me around for some reason. He has been faithful to me even as I was not.
So, without the answers I was seeking, I look to God anyway. He knows the answers and I must be content to discover them one day, when it pleases Him, and not a moment sooner.
Yet, I had only believed because I was taught to believe. I had never analyzed my belief, never even examined it much less cross examined it. It has been a painful three years since I first started having doubts about my faith. When you start to doubt something that has been your foundation your whole life, it's like the whole world has turned to mush. You start to question every paradigm, every thought you've ever had.
I've come to the conclusion that life without faith isn't worth living. I will never receive answers to my questions. I will never KNOW that God exists. Yet, I know that my belief is essential to my being. Living without it is not living at all; it's merely existing without purpose.
If I ever questioned whether God truly loves me, I have concluded now that He must in order to put up with me for these many years. How many times I must have made him wince, or laugh, or cry, or turn His head in pain! Yet, He kept me around for some reason. He has been faithful to me even as I was not.
So, without the answers I was seeking, I look to God anyway. He knows the answers and I must be content to discover them one day, when it pleases Him, and not a moment sooner.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Update on Emily
Hey, well, Emily's asleep so I can get on the computer. We moved our old computer to the living room and hooked it up to the Internet, so I haven't been able to get online very easily. She's a computer junkie.
Her surgery (Thursday, July 24) went very well. The doctor had to remove 30 to 40% of her lateral meniscus as well as repair the ACL. Friday was her first physical therapy day (just one day after her surgery). Two therapists were working together on her and they were both just amazed at her. First they had her bend her knee to measure how far she could bend it. She bent it 68 degrees. Her good knee bent to 115%, so she was already over half there. Then when they were helping her with her knee, they noticed that she was holding her leg pretty much on her own. Evidently, these two things are extremely remarkable for someone to do the day after surgery. They said most people aren't at that point at two weeks. Then Monday, she went back and she bent her knee 88 degrees and did leg lifts and rode the bicycle. The therapist gave her instructions and then went to help someone else. She said, "Use your left foot and your right will just be there. You won't be able to go all the way around." Well, you guessed it: she went all the way around.
At home, she's been jolly the last three days (after we hooked up her computer) and has hardly needed any pain medication. The first two days, she wasn't bad, she just groaned and moaned a lot. I'd ask if she wanted some medicine and she'd decline. Finally, she said, "Don't ask me, okay. If it's time just give it to me because I'm gonna say no every time because I don't want to take it." After that we got along a lot better. She's way different than I am. Oh, she even has a particular way I'm supposed to hand her her crutches. I never could figure it out, because it made no sense to me, so finally she explained it to me. Now, I don't have to see her disgusted face when I hand her her crutches.
One thing that will probably seem weird is that Dee helped her get into the car right after surgery and he botched it, according to Emily, and she won't let him touch her anymore. Instead, she called for Mom and continues to ask for me. Probably most people would not think it was a good thing to be the only one she'd let help her, but Dee and she have been so close ever since he started coaching her basketball team 4 1/2 years ago that I have felt like an outsider in their private world, so I'm welcoming this opportunity to be the star of her life. That's pretty pathetic, I know, but it's truth anyway. When she reached her hand out to me before her surgery, I had to fight hard to control the tears. She hasn't acted like she needed her mom for a long time.
Yesterday was really hard on Emily and me. It was the first day we tried the exercises at home. She cried. I cried. Yet, she was bound and determined that if it said it on the paper, she was going to do it. Then we tackled washing her hair. I got two dining room table chairs and one bar stool chair and lined them up. She sat down on the bar stool. I helped her lift her leg (she won't be able to do that on her own for a while yet), and she scooted back toward the tub, so her legs were higher than her head. Then I stood in the tub, held her head and poured water over it. It took about 30 minutes. Before I was done, my back felt like it needed therapy. Oh, yeah, and after that I cut buckets of corn off the cob and cooked it and froze it.
We go back to therapy today and tomorrow for this week and then probably at least three days next week. She sees the doctor again next Wed. I start back to work Monday the 11th. I sure hope I can survive work and taking care of Emily. I am already getting really fatigued and making stupid mistakes like catching my hand between the end table and the chair when I release it to let Emily go to the bathroom and forgetting to plug her tubes back in before I turn her machine on. If I get more loopy, I'm gonna hurt myself or someone else.
We'd also like to ask for prayer for Emily's friend Alicia, who has been going through an extremely hard time. About three weeks ago she started having severe stomach pains and rectal bleeding. She ended up in the hospital for over a week and finally having to receive a blood transfusion. They discovered she has E-Coli. Now she's taken a turn for the worse again. They took her back to the hospital in Springfield, but they couldn't help her because they had already blown all her veins during her previous stay. They sent her home with medicine. If you don't mind to remember them, I'd appreciate it. They also struggle financially (as do we) and are concerned about their medical bills.
Her surgery (Thursday, July 24) went very well. The doctor had to remove 30 to 40% of her lateral meniscus as well as repair the ACL. Friday was her first physical therapy day (just one day after her surgery). Two therapists were working together on her and they were both just amazed at her. First they had her bend her knee to measure how far she could bend it. She bent it 68 degrees. Her good knee bent to 115%, so she was already over half there. Then when they were helping her with her knee, they noticed that she was holding her leg pretty much on her own. Evidently, these two things are extremely remarkable for someone to do the day after surgery. They said most people aren't at that point at two weeks. Then Monday, she went back and she bent her knee 88 degrees and did leg lifts and rode the bicycle. The therapist gave her instructions and then went to help someone else. She said, "Use your left foot and your right will just be there. You won't be able to go all the way around." Well, you guessed it: she went all the way around.
At home, she's been jolly the last three days (after we hooked up her computer) and has hardly needed any pain medication. The first two days, she wasn't bad, she just groaned and moaned a lot. I'd ask if she wanted some medicine and she'd decline. Finally, she said, "Don't ask me, okay. If it's time just give it to me because I'm gonna say no every time because I don't want to take it." After that we got along a lot better. She's way different than I am. Oh, she even has a particular way I'm supposed to hand her her crutches. I never could figure it out, because it made no sense to me, so finally she explained it to me. Now, I don't have to see her disgusted face when I hand her her crutches.
One thing that will probably seem weird is that Dee helped her get into the car right after surgery and he botched it, according to Emily, and she won't let him touch her anymore. Instead, she called for Mom and continues to ask for me. Probably most people would not think it was a good thing to be the only one she'd let help her, but Dee and she have been so close ever since he started coaching her basketball team 4 1/2 years ago that I have felt like an outsider in their private world, so I'm welcoming this opportunity to be the star of her life. That's pretty pathetic, I know, but it's truth anyway. When she reached her hand out to me before her surgery, I had to fight hard to control the tears. She hasn't acted like she needed her mom for a long time.
Yesterday was really hard on Emily and me. It was the first day we tried the exercises at home. She cried. I cried. Yet, she was bound and determined that if it said it on the paper, she was going to do it. Then we tackled washing her hair. I got two dining room table chairs and one bar stool chair and lined them up. She sat down on the bar stool. I helped her lift her leg (she won't be able to do that on her own for a while yet), and she scooted back toward the tub, so her legs were higher than her head. Then I stood in the tub, held her head and poured water over it. It took about 30 minutes. Before I was done, my back felt like it needed therapy. Oh, yeah, and after that I cut buckets of corn off the cob and cooked it and froze it.
We go back to therapy today and tomorrow for this week and then probably at least three days next week. She sees the doctor again next Wed. I start back to work Monday the 11th. I sure hope I can survive work and taking care of Emily. I am already getting really fatigued and making stupid mistakes like catching my hand between the end table and the chair when I release it to let Emily go to the bathroom and forgetting to plug her tubes back in before I turn her machine on. If I get more loopy, I'm gonna hurt myself or someone else.
We'd also like to ask for prayer for Emily's friend Alicia, who has been going through an extremely hard time. About three weeks ago she started having severe stomach pains and rectal bleeding. She ended up in the hospital for over a week and finally having to receive a blood transfusion. They discovered she has E-Coli. Now she's taken a turn for the worse again. They took her back to the hospital in Springfield, but they couldn't help her because they had already blown all her veins during her previous stay. They sent her home with medicine. If you don't mind to remember them, I'd appreciate it. They also struggle financially (as do we) and are concerned about their medical bills.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
It's amazing to me how completely ignorant we humans are. Our own pain, our own perspective--those things we can easily see, yet we are entirely unaware of the pain of those around us. Totally wrapped up in ourselves, we can't see how we have carved injuries whose scars will never go away in the very people we claim to care about. I guess it's easier to blame others for our own shortcomings than to face the truth and discover the part we played in our own little dramas.
I wish some people would wake up and unwrap themselves. I think they'd see that they actually have it pretty good.
I wish some people would wake up and unwrap themselves. I think they'd see that they actually have it pretty good.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
My Baby's Senior Prom
It's April 19 and my baby boy is off to his senior prom. In less than a month, he'll be a high school graduate. How can this be? I still remember his cute little chubby face resting on my shoulder, the way his tiny fists would clench onto a tendril of my hair as he scrambled to get higher in my arms, how he used to stare at everything in the room as if he had to unravel the mystery before him, how he used to rub his eyes and slap his own cheeks to keep himself awake because he never wanted to miss a thing. Now, this little gift from Heaven is seated at the terminal gate, waiting for his flight to be announced, and I must prepare to wave to him as he boards his flight. Will the flight be smooth? Will there be layovers? Where will he land?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Well, well, well, it's been a while since I last posted. The last post was about two weeks ago. A lot has transpired since then. With each turn of our world circumstances change, don't they? How are we mere mortals to know which road to take when so many present themselves before us? I mean we aren't omniscient, so how are we to pick the correct path? What do we do when faced with a problem.
For months now, I've been faced with a terrible choice. I, as a teacher, have been forced to exercise myself from that position and take the part of a parent. That is very hard to do when the teacher in me has been such a strong part of my identity for such a long time.
Sometimes I wonder if being an English teacher makes it more difficult to be a human being. I know for those who don't teach English you may wonder what in the world I could mean. What I'm referring to is that we have at our disposal the words of all these brilliant writers to spur us on to action. We have Emerson telling us that "Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist." He goes on to tell us that good and bad are only labels and that we must follow our own hearts. His friend and colleague Henry David Thoreau tells us to "march to the beat of our own drummers." We have studied The Crucible and witnessed the power of slander and suggestion. We have also studied The Grapes of Wrath and seen how people take advantage of their fellow human beings in desperate circumstances. We have studied the horrors of WWII in books such as Hiroshima and Farewell to Manzanar. We have stood back and objectively examined the horrors of the damned human race as exposed by Mark Twain in his many novels. We have seen the demented and deformed in Flannery O'Connor, been a guest at William Faulkner's table as he exposed the downfall of the American South.
We English teachers know the depths of depravity to which man can sink. We know that all it takes for evil to prevail is for us to allow it, but we still find it difficult to speak out when we know it is right. Perhaps, I've witnessed too many fingers pointing and laying blame on others to be willing to do it myself. I am not sure. All I know is that regardless of my own faults, I think it is time that I speak out against a fellow teacher and say, "I'm so sorry, but I can no longer sit back and allow your mistakes to continue."
I feel so bad about having to speak out, but I feel I have no choice. Those of you who know what I am speaking of, please, know that I do not wish to point fingers. I know I, myself, have sinned immensely. I am speaking out now, only because I truly believe it is what I should do. What if no one ever tried to stop an injustice? You're right it would continue and most wouldn't even be aware of it.
Pray for me to have strength.
For months now, I've been faced with a terrible choice. I, as a teacher, have been forced to exercise myself from that position and take the part of a parent. That is very hard to do when the teacher in me has been such a strong part of my identity for such a long time.
Sometimes I wonder if being an English teacher makes it more difficult to be a human being. I know for those who don't teach English you may wonder what in the world I could mean. What I'm referring to is that we have at our disposal the words of all these brilliant writers to spur us on to action. We have Emerson telling us that "Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist." He goes on to tell us that good and bad are only labels and that we must follow our own hearts. His friend and colleague Henry David Thoreau tells us to "march to the beat of our own drummers." We have studied The Crucible and witnessed the power of slander and suggestion. We have also studied The Grapes of Wrath and seen how people take advantage of their fellow human beings in desperate circumstances. We have studied the horrors of WWII in books such as Hiroshima and Farewell to Manzanar. We have stood back and objectively examined the horrors of the damned human race as exposed by Mark Twain in his many novels. We have seen the demented and deformed in Flannery O'Connor, been a guest at William Faulkner's table as he exposed the downfall of the American South.
We English teachers know the depths of depravity to which man can sink. We know that all it takes for evil to prevail is for us to allow it, but we still find it difficult to speak out when we know it is right. Perhaps, I've witnessed too many fingers pointing and laying blame on others to be willing to do it myself. I am not sure. All I know is that regardless of my own faults, I think it is time that I speak out against a fellow teacher and say, "I'm so sorry, but I can no longer sit back and allow your mistakes to continue."
I feel so bad about having to speak out, but I feel I have no choice. Those of you who know what I am speaking of, please, know that I do not wish to point fingers. I know I, myself, have sinned immensely. I am speaking out now, only because I truly believe it is what I should do. What if no one ever tried to stop an injustice? You're right it would continue and most wouldn't even be aware of it.
Pray for me to have strength.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Sunshine Peeps Through the Fog

Hi, thanks for everyone's prayers. They must be helping, that and my medication I got from the doctor. I had been off my blood pressure medicine for a week, so I went to get a new prescription and broke down and cried in her office, enough to convince her that I needed something for my stress. I am not even having to take as much as she prescribed. Some days I don't need it at all. YEAH.
Anyway, Zachary's outlook is positive again. Emily's trying to walk without her crutches, but bless her heart, her knee is still obviously swollen. The doctor wants us to come back on May 5 for more x-rays. We were hoping for it all to be over by then. She's definitely going to have a hard recovery, but she seems to be growing stronger.
Thanks again, everyone. My questions haven't been answered, but I never really expected them to be. Now that I've finally voiced them, I think I can move ahead without having the answers. I sure appreciate the fact that God is slow to anger or else I'd most likely be torched by now. :)
I hope everyone is having a great week. The weekend will be here soon.
Anyway, Zachary's outlook is positive again. Emily's trying to walk without her crutches, but bless her heart, her knee is still obviously swollen. The doctor wants us to come back on May 5 for more x-rays. We were hoping for it all to be over by then. She's definitely going to have a hard recovery, but she seems to be growing stronger.
Thanks again, everyone. My questions haven't been answered, but I never really expected them to be. Now that I've finally voiced them, I think I can move ahead without having the answers. I sure appreciate the fact that God is slow to anger or else I'd most likely be torched by now. :)
I hope everyone is having a great week. The weekend will be here soon.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Hi, I just had a thought that maybe my readers would assume that Emily's injury has been what has made me start questioning. I just wanted to say that isn't he case. Her injury may have emboldened me to finally share these thoughts I've been having, but they didn't cause me to have them. I do not feel like my family has experienced terrible grief. I mean we have experienced some setbacks. Zachary went through the ACL surgery and continued to play ball afterwards, but he was never able to achieve the greatness that he enjoyed on the court before the accident. Of course, our finances took a devastating blow then, so I am concerned about how Em's surgery will take its financial toll on us, coupled with Zachary's entrance into a $28,000 a year university. My husband's business burned down about 8 years ago (no insurance), but that turned out to be a relief, not a hardship. He was able to slow down and become a father instead of a workaholic. We've even lost loved ones and continued to plod along.
I am upset by Emily's injury, but I know it's not the end of the world for her. She will most likely come through this a stronger person. I know she has a lot of growing up to do. Somewhere within each of us, we have a well of strength that we don't know is there until we must send down the bucket to draw it forth.
Zachary actually is the one who got me to thinking more about my doubts. His former AG teacher, who just retired this past year, died the week after Emily's accident. His death struck Zachary hard. He just didn't understand why someone like Lee who had worked his whole life and was just able to live for himself would have it all taken from him or why Emily, whom he deems is an innocent victim, would have her whole life upended. You see, most of us can't even fathom how horrible this injury is.
Sure, there are worse things to experience, so in the scheme of things it's not that bad; however, it is not an easy path, by any means. The pain is pretty strong after the surgery. Physical therapy requires much determination and the gritting of teeth to get through it. Chances are the mental picture of what's happened to you will always be in your mind if you return to sports, suggesting to you that maybe you shouldn't run quite as hard or push yourself like you did; after all, you don't want to go through that again. Statistics tell us that girls who tear one ACL are extremely likely to tear the other. But, I think the thing that bothers Zachary the most about it all is the thought that his little sister will most likely take a back seat to those in her class as they surpass her in skill and agility.
Before his surgery, he AVERAGED 30 points a game. He dominated the court every time he stepped onto the floor on both ends. After his surgery, he was so determined to play again that he pushed himself at therapy. His therapists were very impressed with his will power and dedication. In fact, he was released early due to his hard work. He didn't get to play at the start of the season, but he came to every practice before season and was released to participate a week or two after their first game. By that time, however, the coach already had his players picked and Zachary was just an afterthought, thrown in when the coach thought about it. He was considered a risk. Everyone lost faith in him, fearing that he couldn't keep up.
It was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to watch. Here was this young man who did everything right. He did what the doctor required and went the extra mile to ensure his recovery, but then he wasn't allowed to return to his former level. It would have been one thing had he not worked so hard, but it wasn't his fault. He put his all into it. After that first year, his determination make have taken a hit, but he had parents who encouraged and supported him to be strong and have faith that hard work would pay off. The coaches never looked at him the same. He was never given the chance to prove that he could do it. Yet, he stuck with it throughout his entire high school career, never giving in, but the pain and frustration was difficult to bear.
He can't bear to imagine Emily going through what he did. And, frankly, I don't know whether to push Emily to work like Zachary did. What good did his hard work do for him? I know it helped shape his character, and that's the most important outcome of any experience we have; yet, it also taught him that life is not fair and that in certain circumstances we are not the masters of our own fate. I think that's the toughest lesson is realizing that we can't control certain aspects of our lives. I had always firmly believed that hard work would be repaid with positive results. I guess I was wrong.
Maybe that's what has made me question God. Not the fact that this happened to my children, but the fact that my childhood belief system was incorrect. I have believed in God my entire life, never questioning, so perhaps that belief system was incorrect, too.
After Lee's death, Zachary confided in us that he was having trouble seeing the reason in life. He felt that it was all meaningless. In 100 years, who will care that he is Valedictorian of his senior class? What will all his struggles amount to? Why does God allow us to continue in suffering? Why not just take us all home to Heaven? What is his purpose in letting evil rule the world? I quickly regurgitated all the answers I'd been told all my life, hoping that he wouldn't have to experience the horror of lost faith. For it has served me well my whole life, compelling me forward when I wanted to stop. I don't want him to go through what I'm going through now.
He seems to be okay now, but I'm not so easy to convince. I feel like maybe it's wrong for me to expose these ideas of mine. I don't want to be responsible for causing anyone to doubt. I feel so bad because Juanita said that her heart ached for my loss of faith. I didn't mean to cause anyone pain. I just need to get all this out. I've kept it in for so long. I know that writing can help you see things more clearly. I'm hoping that's what this does for me.
So, to anyone I've offended with these posts, I humbly apologize. I hope that you will forgive me and continue to pray for me. I still pray. I still read my Bible. I haven't let go, yet. I'm still holding on.
I am upset by Emily's injury, but I know it's not the end of the world for her. She will most likely come through this a stronger person. I know she has a lot of growing up to do. Somewhere within each of us, we have a well of strength that we don't know is there until we must send down the bucket to draw it forth.
Zachary actually is the one who got me to thinking more about my doubts. His former AG teacher, who just retired this past year, died the week after Emily's accident. His death struck Zachary hard. He just didn't understand why someone like Lee who had worked his whole life and was just able to live for himself would have it all taken from him or why Emily, whom he deems is an innocent victim, would have her whole life upended. You see, most of us can't even fathom how horrible this injury is.
Sure, there are worse things to experience, so in the scheme of things it's not that bad; however, it is not an easy path, by any means. The pain is pretty strong after the surgery. Physical therapy requires much determination and the gritting of teeth to get through it. Chances are the mental picture of what's happened to you will always be in your mind if you return to sports, suggesting to you that maybe you shouldn't run quite as hard or push yourself like you did; after all, you don't want to go through that again. Statistics tell us that girls who tear one ACL are extremely likely to tear the other. But, I think the thing that bothers Zachary the most about it all is the thought that his little sister will most likely take a back seat to those in her class as they surpass her in skill and agility.
Before his surgery, he AVERAGED 30 points a game. He dominated the court every time he stepped onto the floor on both ends. After his surgery, he was so determined to play again that he pushed himself at therapy. His therapists were very impressed with his will power and dedication. In fact, he was released early due to his hard work. He didn't get to play at the start of the season, but he came to every practice before season and was released to participate a week or two after their first game. By that time, however, the coach already had his players picked and Zachary was just an afterthought, thrown in when the coach thought about it. He was considered a risk. Everyone lost faith in him, fearing that he couldn't keep up.
It was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to watch. Here was this young man who did everything right. He did what the doctor required and went the extra mile to ensure his recovery, but then he wasn't allowed to return to his former level. It would have been one thing had he not worked so hard, but it wasn't his fault. He put his all into it. After that first year, his determination make have taken a hit, but he had parents who encouraged and supported him to be strong and have faith that hard work would pay off. The coaches never looked at him the same. He was never given the chance to prove that he could do it. Yet, he stuck with it throughout his entire high school career, never giving in, but the pain and frustration was difficult to bear.
He can't bear to imagine Emily going through what he did. And, frankly, I don't know whether to push Emily to work like Zachary did. What good did his hard work do for him? I know it helped shape his character, and that's the most important outcome of any experience we have; yet, it also taught him that life is not fair and that in certain circumstances we are not the masters of our own fate. I think that's the toughest lesson is realizing that we can't control certain aspects of our lives. I had always firmly believed that hard work would be repaid with positive results. I guess I was wrong.
Maybe that's what has made me question God. Not the fact that this happened to my children, but the fact that my childhood belief system was incorrect. I have believed in God my entire life, never questioning, so perhaps that belief system was incorrect, too.
After Lee's death, Zachary confided in us that he was having trouble seeing the reason in life. He felt that it was all meaningless. In 100 years, who will care that he is Valedictorian of his senior class? What will all his struggles amount to? Why does God allow us to continue in suffering? Why not just take us all home to Heaven? What is his purpose in letting evil rule the world? I quickly regurgitated all the answers I'd been told all my life, hoping that he wouldn't have to experience the horror of lost faith. For it has served me well my whole life, compelling me forward when I wanted to stop. I don't want him to go through what I'm going through now.
He seems to be okay now, but I'm not so easy to convince. I feel like maybe it's wrong for me to expose these ideas of mine. I don't want to be responsible for causing anyone to doubt. I feel so bad because Juanita said that her heart ached for my loss of faith. I didn't mean to cause anyone pain. I just need to get all this out. I've kept it in for so long. I know that writing can help you see things more clearly. I'm hoping that's what this does for me.
So, to anyone I've offended with these posts, I humbly apologize. I hope that you will forgive me and continue to pray for me. I still pray. I still read my Bible. I haven't let go, yet. I'm still holding on.
Friday, March 28, 2008
More questions
Please, bear with me while I ask a few more questions that are on my mind.
Why did Satan rebel? Was he bored in Heaven? Did he need a little something to spice up his days? If Heaven is all it's cracked up to be, why wasn't Satan satisfied there?
The Native Americans have a creation myth that is remarkably similar to yet entirely different than the Genesis account of creation. The Native American myth says that in the sky world, a pregnant woman with uncontrollable cravings wanted the roots of a forbidden tree (like the tree of knowledge of good and evil) and sent her husband to get them for her. Finding a hole in the floor, the husband became frightened and refused to get the roots, forcing the wife to do it herself. Somehow, the wife fell through the hole in the sky world's floor and was rescued by the birds and other animals such as a sea turtle who let her build land on his back and the muskrat who dove to the bottom of the ocean to bring up the land with him. She planted the roots she had grabbed on her way out of the sky world and from her ritualistic walking in circles, the world emerged with plant life.
She gave birth to a daughter who later bore twins, one who followed the straight path and one who followed the crooked path (Jesus and Satan).
These two men fought against each other and are responsible for making the balance in the world between carnivores and herbivores, harmful plants and medicinal plants, etc.
This Native American tale is not the only creation story other than that found in Genesis. I have labeled it a myth, but is it any more illogical than our own creation story? Isn't it simply because Genesis is what we've been taught that we believe it rather than this tale? What if we had been born into an Indian tribe? Wouldn't we believe this story?
Why did Satan rebel? Was he bored in Heaven? Did he need a little something to spice up his days? If Heaven is all it's cracked up to be, why wasn't Satan satisfied there?
The Native Americans have a creation myth that is remarkably similar to yet entirely different than the Genesis account of creation. The Native American myth says that in the sky world, a pregnant woman with uncontrollable cravings wanted the roots of a forbidden tree (like the tree of knowledge of good and evil) and sent her husband to get them for her. Finding a hole in the floor, the husband became frightened and refused to get the roots, forcing the wife to do it herself. Somehow, the wife fell through the hole in the sky world's floor and was rescued by the birds and other animals such as a sea turtle who let her build land on his back and the muskrat who dove to the bottom of the ocean to bring up the land with him. She planted the roots she had grabbed on her way out of the sky world and from her ritualistic walking in circles, the world emerged with plant life.
She gave birth to a daughter who later bore twins, one who followed the straight path and one who followed the crooked path (Jesus and Satan).
These two men fought against each other and are responsible for making the balance in the world between carnivores and herbivores, harmful plants and medicinal plants, etc.
This Native American tale is not the only creation story other than that found in Genesis. I have labeled it a myth, but is it any more illogical than our own creation story? Isn't it simply because Genesis is what we've been taught that we believe it rather than this tale? What if we had been born into an Indian tribe? Wouldn't we believe this story?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
God, where are you and what plans do you have?
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have so much more grief than others? You're human, so I'm sure you have. Lately, well not really so lately, but off and on now for about three years I've been battling a loss in faith.
The more I learn about our history, the more illogical it seems that an infallible God would plan all of the evil that exists in the world. Study history and see how men have destroyed, robbed, raped, controlled, and ruined the lives of his brothers and sisters. Reflect on the role of the church throughout history. The church supported the feudal system, telling the peasants that the pecking order was ordained by God. The church gave the lord of the manor le droit du seigneur, saying he had the first right to sleep with the bride married under his estate. The church sold penances during Chaucer's time. The church has enslaved people by instilling fear. It has supported slavery and is behind the bigotry against homosexuals that is still so rampant today. The Bible tells me that as a woman I am not fit to teach, that I should be submissive to my husband. Pick up a Mark Twain book and discover how pathetic we humans really are. Then consider the idea that we are made in God's image. What does that say about God?
You might tell yourself that God and the church are not the same. It was the people in God's church who did these evil things. But, isn't God supposed to be in control of everything? Then wouldn't He have the power to purge this evil from the world? Either He no longer cares, or He isn't the same God I've been told about all my life.
I cringe as I write this entry because I used to be one of the most firm believers I had ever come across. From my childhood I believed everything I was told. My education has told me, however, that right and wrong, good and bad, are simply labels we have placed on things to help us organize and control ourselves. This doesn't mean I have the urge to do things that I've previously considered wrong. It just means that I think these ideas have been a part of us as part of a natural order. Without these ideas, we'd be way worse than we are. Other cultures have different ideas about right and wrong. In French culture, lying is an everyday occurrence. They are not offended at all when they are called a liar. They simply shrug and say, "Isn't everybody?" Their divorce rate is way lower than ours, yet they think nothing of cheating on their spouses. In fact, they actually consider having occasional flings to be healthy for a relationship. In Middle Eastern countries women are killed if they happen to be so evil as to incite rape in a good, honest, moral man of God. Women must cover their faces. Worshippers must sacrifice themselves for their cause. Why? Because this is the way these people have been taught.
Oh, I grew up hearing and believing all the answers to questions such as I've been having. I can answer myself pretty well. The trouble is I'm not very convincing. Even as I'm regurgitating what I've been told, this little nagging thought keeps pounding at the back of my head. Don't the Muslims have reasons behind what they believe? Can't they back up their ideas with "holy scriptures" of their own?
I think the Mormons are absurd because they believe one day they'll rule a planet and be a god of that planet. I can't believe that anyone would think such a thing is true. Yet, I have always believed that God sent his son down to earth to live as a human being for a short time and then to die on the cross for our sins. I used to just accept this as what had to be in order for us to be saved, but today I think, "Okay, God, you are supposed to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, so why did it have to be that way? Why did you place Jesus in Mary's womb and have Him live a lowly carpenter's life just to die a horrid death on the cross? Why didn't you just make us perfect in the first place? Did you make a mistake, and if so, then you aren't perfect, and I've been taught that you are? So what is it, God? Are you there? Are you disgusted with me for doubting? Do you still have plans for us down here on earth, or have you given up on this crazy, messed up world?"
The more I learn about our history, the more illogical it seems that an infallible God would plan all of the evil that exists in the world. Study history and see how men have destroyed, robbed, raped, controlled, and ruined the lives of his brothers and sisters. Reflect on the role of the church throughout history. The church supported the feudal system, telling the peasants that the pecking order was ordained by God. The church gave the lord of the manor le droit du seigneur, saying he had the first right to sleep with the bride married under his estate. The church sold penances during Chaucer's time. The church has enslaved people by instilling fear. It has supported slavery and is behind the bigotry against homosexuals that is still so rampant today. The Bible tells me that as a woman I am not fit to teach, that I should be submissive to my husband. Pick up a Mark Twain book and discover how pathetic we humans really are. Then consider the idea that we are made in God's image. What does that say about God?
You might tell yourself that God and the church are not the same. It was the people in God's church who did these evil things. But, isn't God supposed to be in control of everything? Then wouldn't He have the power to purge this evil from the world? Either He no longer cares, or He isn't the same God I've been told about all my life.
I cringe as I write this entry because I used to be one of the most firm believers I had ever come across. From my childhood I believed everything I was told. My education has told me, however, that right and wrong, good and bad, are simply labels we have placed on things to help us organize and control ourselves. This doesn't mean I have the urge to do things that I've previously considered wrong. It just means that I think these ideas have been a part of us as part of a natural order. Without these ideas, we'd be way worse than we are. Other cultures have different ideas about right and wrong. In French culture, lying is an everyday occurrence. They are not offended at all when they are called a liar. They simply shrug and say, "Isn't everybody?" Their divorce rate is way lower than ours, yet they think nothing of cheating on their spouses. In fact, they actually consider having occasional flings to be healthy for a relationship. In Middle Eastern countries women are killed if they happen to be so evil as to incite rape in a good, honest, moral man of God. Women must cover their faces. Worshippers must sacrifice themselves for their cause. Why? Because this is the way these people have been taught.
Oh, I grew up hearing and believing all the answers to questions such as I've been having. I can answer myself pretty well. The trouble is I'm not very convincing. Even as I'm regurgitating what I've been told, this little nagging thought keeps pounding at the back of my head. Don't the Muslims have reasons behind what they believe? Can't they back up their ideas with "holy scriptures" of their own?
I think the Mormons are absurd because they believe one day they'll rule a planet and be a god of that planet. I can't believe that anyone would think such a thing is true. Yet, I have always believed that God sent his son down to earth to live as a human being for a short time and then to die on the cross for our sins. I used to just accept this as what had to be in order for us to be saved, but today I think, "Okay, God, you are supposed to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, so why did it have to be that way? Why did you place Jesus in Mary's womb and have Him live a lowly carpenter's life just to die a horrid death on the cross? Why didn't you just make us perfect in the first place? Did you make a mistake, and if so, then you aren't perfect, and I've been taught that you are? So what is it, God? Are you there? Are you disgusted with me for doubting? Do you still have plans for us down here on earth, or have you given up on this crazy, messed up world?"
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Taking a moment to share

Well, we've traveled enough to go to Okalahoma City and back in the last two days. Thursday morning we left at 6:00 to make it to Columbia for Emily's doctor's appointment. Then on the way back, the flooding forced us to take two different detours. We arrived home at 4:oo p.m.
Then Friday, we left home at 9:30 to go to St. Louis to speak with financial aide about Zachary's tuition, etc. Knowing there was a pile up on I-44 we took Highway 100 to avoid the congestion. The traffic was terrible, making us late for our 1:00 appointment. On the way home, we decided to take the intersate anyway, thinking that everyone else was taking the long way around like they did in the morning. A normally two and a half hour trip took us 4 hours, but we did get a lot of pictures and I got to read my new book, Love is in the Merde. I'd have to admit, though, that this book is pretty annoying. All the protagonist can think about is sex. I want more French culture. I'm tired of listening to him whine about his sex life.
Well, I have work to do, so I'd better go. I have found a lot of interesting people through this site. I have put their web sites on my list of interesting people. Check them out.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Surgery is in the future: Needing comfort and advice
We visited the doctor today and got our fears confirmed. She did tear her ACL. "In two pieces" was the way Doctor Thornburg put it. Her growth plates are just about closed, so they need to confer and decide if they are closed enough to go ahead with the surgery. If not, then she'll have to wait a while to let them close up more. I don't know which will be better, to have the surgery right away and deal with missing school or to wait until school is out and do it. Her basketball season starts the first week of school, at least practice does, so she'd miss less basketball if we did it sooner than later, but is that a good reason to rush the surgery?
Recovery will take 4 to 6 months. I sure hope Emily can handle this. She is a wonderful girl, but being the baby in a family with two older brothers has, I admit, spoiled her. She's used to being coddled and she doesn't handle pain very well. She won't even take a pill to make herself feel better.
Last night, she was crying uncontrollably, so I stayed up with her and helped talk her through everything. I was finally able to go to bed after midnight. Poor thing, she says her entire life is falling apart. To a seventh grader, I am sure it is. She is only 12 years old, . . . I know. I really do know that this is nothing compared to what others have to deal with. I am humbled every time I think about what my fellow teacher, Sheila Wigger, has had to endure with her youngest daughter, only two, having kidney cancer last year. All the surgeries they endured were life-threatening. Emily will be okay. She will walk and run and jump and play. We don't have to fear whether she'll survive this ordeal. We have so much to be thankful for. Yet . . . It's funny how knowing this and being completely convinced of it doesn't do much to take the edge off my emotions.
If you have any suggestions as to when we should do the surgery, now or once school is out (if we have that option), please post a comment. I'll be checking. :)
Monday, March 17, 2008
Wow, what a difference a day can make. Yesterday, I was rather stoic about Emily's injury. I wasn't really bothered at all, telling myself, "Oh well, whatever will be will be. There is more to life than basketball, and this may very well be the best thing that has ever happened to her. Now she will be able to choose other avenues in life." I still believe all that, but today I simply can't control my emotions. I have teared up about twenty times and completely cried twice. I know that everything will work out, yet I'm sad for what is most likely lost. Thanks for "listening."
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Prayers requested
We just got home from Branson, where my daughter, Emily, played in a MAYB basketball tournament. This afternoon, during the last game, Emily seriously hurt her right knee. She says she heard a pop. She's in a lot of pain. It has swollen despite the ice we've kept on it and the Ibuprofen we've given her. We are hoping we don't have to go through another ACL surgery. After Zachary's back in 2004, we know all too well how difficult this is. Yet, at the same time, I know that God is in control and whatever happens we will be able to handle as long as we lean on Him. Still, we'd appreciate your prayers. Thanks.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Reflection: Literacy Academy
My favorite thing is the six word story. It should help us teach the importance of word choice, but also help us teach the kids to boil down their ideas into manageable parts. Rhonda and I were talking about how good this would be for science. I realized that this would be an excellent way to end each novel we read in my 11th grade class. We discuss theme, etc. Now they'll have to come up with a six word phrase/sentence to sum up each novel. I'm very excited.
I am also excited about the blogging. I love to write and talk to people. I have often felt like today we are so ostracized from our peers. We run here and there. I am on automatic pilot, stuck on full speed. I push push push and then go go go. It's hard for me to slow down even for a minute. This lets my mind get out the thoughts that are screaming for me to unleash. I don't feel like I need to critique myself. I can just let go. Oh, how I need to let go.
Now, back to being ostracized. It's a neat thing to be linked together with the members of our Literacy Academy. I know had we not done this, my busy life would have made everyone lost to me forever, well, except for Rhonda and Marjorie. Being a part of this blogging community makes me feel a connection, and I'm very thankful for that. I just wish we could use this at our school. Maybe we can use it like some kind of an enrichment program. Hey, it might be a Career Ladder program. I'll work on it.
Thanks for everything. I've really enjoyed the Literacy Academy.
I am also excited about the blogging. I love to write and talk to people. I have often felt like today we are so ostracized from our peers. We run here and there. I am on automatic pilot, stuck on full speed. I push push push and then go go go. It's hard for me to slow down even for a minute. This lets my mind get out the thoughts that are screaming for me to unleash. I don't feel like I need to critique myself. I can just let go. Oh, how I need to let go.
Now, back to being ostracized. It's a neat thing to be linked together with the members of our Literacy Academy. I know had we not done this, my busy life would have made everyone lost to me forever, well, except for Rhonda and Marjorie. Being a part of this blogging community makes me feel a connection, and I'm very thankful for that. I just wish we could use this at our school. Maybe we can use it like some kind of an enrichment program. Hey, it might be a Career Ladder program. I'll work on it.
Thanks for everything. I've really enjoyed the Literacy Academy.
So, this is my first time blogging. Perhaps the trick is having something important to say. In whose mind, I wonder? Importance is in the "mind of the beholder," I guess. Will what I have to say matter to anyone else? How can my mind make a difference to your mind? Will you come away from this blog understanding yourself a little bit better? Will writing this blog help me understand myself better?
Words floating around in cyberspace, coming together to create meaning, on your computer screen,
How bizarre that the touch of my fingertips can produce a complex message sent across the air unseen,
On their journey to your desktop, do my words crisscross,
Do they bump into strangers as they jockey for positions lost?
Does my meaning spiral on its way, or does it dodge fireballs,
Of thoughts sent by you, crashing, splashing down the ebony falls,
of my hazy mind . . .
Words floating around in cyberspace, coming together to create meaning, on your computer screen,
How bizarre that the touch of my fingertips can produce a complex message sent across the air unseen,
On their journey to your desktop, do my words crisscross,
Do they bump into strangers as they jockey for positions lost?
Does my meaning spiral on its way, or does it dodge fireballs,
Of thoughts sent by you, crashing, splashing down the ebony falls,
of my hazy mind . . .
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